Five Reasons I Use My Gifts to Give Back (And How You Can Too!)

When I began using my gifts to give back, I realized it's not just about making a difference—it's about fulfilling a part of me that I didn't even know was missing. It's been a wild ride filled with failures that paved the way to successes, and a constant journey of self-discovery. The inspiration to give back often comes from profound personal experiences, and this blog explores my personal reasons behind the drive to use my gifts for the greater good; from building the community I longed for, to honoring the life-changing support of my beloved pet, to finding joy in the act of giving itself.

My Top 5 Reasons For Giving Back

  1. Because community means everything to me.
    I moved around a lot as a kid, and as a result, felt very lonely most of my childhood and early adult life. I was constantly trying to find where I “fit in,” and one day it hit me… I may not be able to find my ideal community, but I sure am able to create it! I spent years surrounding myself with people, places, and hobbies that felt authentic to me. I have said no to a lot more things that I have said yes to. I have tried and failed many, many times. I have started and stopped more times than I can count, but I never gave up. I simply trusted that what is meant for me will find me. And it has.

  2. Because my first dog, Champ, saved my life.
    I have suffered from depression since 15 years old, and have gone through debilitating bouts many times in my adult life. During most of those, Champ was my constant. Lying in bed with me when I couldn’t move, licking tears off my face during crying spells, and even lying on top of me to regulate my nervous system during panic attacks. He saved me, so in 2017, I began dedicating my life to saving dogs like him. The way it has evolved has been beyond my wildest imagination!

  3. Because there are so many deserving rescues, non-profits, animals, and people that need our help!
    And yoga is a fun and impactful way to encourage our community to get involved.

  4. Because giving back is my passion.
    And selfishly, it is very rewarding to see the gratitude on someone’s face when they feel supported and appreciated. I give back for them, but I also give back for my ego. I’m still human after all.

  5. Because it just feels right.
    I wouldn’t be honoring my intuition if I said no to this calling.

How Can You Answer Your Call to Give Back?

If you are feeling called to contribute to a cause that means something to you, start small and use your gifts! You never know how it may grow!

Choose a local organization that you feel passionate about. Whether it be within the rescue space, or for mental health, human rights, children and families, or something else. Choose one, go to their website, and I guarantee you they have a “Give Back” or “Get Involved” button. See what that looks like for them, and if you have the bandwidth to provide what they are looking for: donations of any kind, time, social media exposure, etc. It doesn’t have to be big to make an impact. Every little thing creates a ripple of bigger change.

The Transformative Power of Giving Back

My incredible experience with giving back hasn't been just about the outward impact. It's been an inward journey too, touching parts of my soul I didn't know needed light. Every 'no' that led to a 'yes', every stumble that turned into a dance, they all mattered. If you're feeling that pull towards something bigger, lean in. Start small, think local, and watch how it transforms you, too. Here's to making our corner of the world a little brighter, together!


A Deep Dive into Yin Flow + Yoga Nidra